"Ancient Civilization:Lost and Found" my submission_The Celestrians VILLAINS

Hello, this are part of my submission for the Challenge "Ancient Civilization:Lost and Found" in which we had to create 10 characters of an ancient civilization.
We had to create 5 heroes and 5 villains focusing on establishing a narrative and story for this civilization through the designs and personalities of each one of the characters.

My idea for this imaginary civilization, The Celestrians, was that they would be older than the Summerians and they would be grounded in reality but playing around with the concept of legends. Legends that are commonly based in real people and real events.
For that I added to some of these characters certain exaggerated anatomic features and proportions but still falling under the realm of possible. That would become part of the foundation for those people to become characters of legend. For example the emperor and empress are reeeally tall, and that would explain why ( among other things) the people of their time could think they were gods.